
Saturday, June 1, 2024

Yellow and Blue for Color Hues!

It's June and I could not be HAPPIER! It's my birthday month, our anniversary month (number FIFTY) and our time is coming soon for a fabulous vacation with our family! Besides that, there are TWO granddaughter birthdays and then Father's Day! Isn't it a good thing this card was made well ahead of time? 

Karen has picked Blue and Yellow for us to use at Color Hues, so let's get to it! Although my color choices are paler, we say that is fine as long as you  use hues of the colors given.

My card is filled with blue skies, cute critters, a postal theme, and yellow accents. 

I really had fun with this one, beginning by die cutting the postal frame from Waffle Flower from white card stock. I looked for images to fit in the spaces and enjoyed combining products from two companies. 

I stamped and colored each critter, then fussy cut masks for each one. Using the masks allowed me to create the sky using a clouds stencil. I ended with stamped postal images from the stamp set. 

I know you will be loving the DT creations and we'd love for you to play along too! 

 Be yourself

          Have delight in your craft 
                  Make something beautiful! 

Waffle Flower - Postal Collage Dies and Stamps
Penny Black: Critter Party


Marcia Hill said...

Happy early birthday and anniversary Cindy! I must not have read the "50" anniversary part right, right?? I mean like what...did you get married at age 2??!! Yep, I must have read it wrong, but anyway, hope you have a fabulous time celebrating both occasions! Your card is just as CUTE as can be, and I'm loving all the little critters you found to fit in the spaces! I've had so much fun with these postage dies and am looking forward to this coming week when my summer stencils with the seagulls arrive! But anyway, your card is absolutely ADORABLE and beautifully done!! Hugs. :0)

Karen said...

Congratulations on your 50th Anniversary! We celebrated ours last year, and the best I could wish for you is that it's as much fun as ours was.
Your card is adorable! I've always loved the Penny Black hedgehogs (it's a favorite image of my daughter's) and they sure add to the happy feeling of this card! I'm impressed with all that masking, but it was worth the effort. With both you and Carol using the Waffle Flower Postage set, I have NO excuse for not putting mine to work!

Nancy said...

Cindy, This month sounds like it is going to be awesome! Congrats on your upcoming 5oth as well! When I got home from vacation this Waffle Flower die and other goodies were waiting for me, I finally caved. LOL. This card could not be any cuter and I love that you added the sky background too.

Leslie Miller said...

Wow, you're going to have a busy June of celebrations and vacation fun! I had to laugh at Marcia's comment. I didn't think you were old enough to be married 50 years! You know I love all these little critters. The doggie in the corner especially steals my heart. Adorable and beautifully done card, Cindy!

Stef Perry said...

Oh my goodness, what a month of celebrating! Big congratulations on your 50th anniversary Cindy, and a happy upcoming birthday too! My husband's is just two days before yours. Definitely time to celebrate!

And what a darling card you've made! Those PB critters look like they were made for this postage die. You went to a lot of work with all the masking. Well worth it and I'm sure the recipient will adore this card, it is delightful!

Julie B said...

Gosh you have got a busy month and congrats on your 50th anniversary, got a couple of years to go til it's ours! Love all those cute critters and the postage stamp panel. :)

Lisa Elton said...

Enjoy your birthday/anniversary month! Happy 50th! Your card is adorable, Cindy. Those little critters and your yellow accents are a treat!

Tracey McNeely said...

Cindy your card is so adorable. I love the images you chose to place into the sections of the postage stamp panel. I'm super impressed that you made masks for each one by fussy cutting or in my world fussy amputation--lol! Such a fun card!

Rosemary said...

I love how you used the softer values of the color combo on this absolutely adorable card! Thanks so much for the lovely comment and for having me as a guest designer.

cm said...

No wonder you've excited about June: lots of celebration going on! Just to clarify: you meant that you're turning 50, rather than celebrating a 50th anniversary. I mean, you're way too young to be married for 50 years! Whatever the case: Happy 50th, be it birthday or anniversary.
Your card: OHMYSTARS! Full on cuteness overload! I LOVE it!

JulieP said...

Well I came to admire your card but I couldn't get past the 50th wedding anniversary part. Seriously???? Wow and congrats! Oh...and your card is awesome. ROFL!