
Thursday, May 16, 2024

Color Hues #87 Coral and Teal

 Oh, happy day! It's the middle of May! 

Where did the time go, I wonder? I always say since living in North Carolina that spring is too short and summer is too long. I wish it was the other way around, lol! 

But you're here for a card. First, the color combo coming from Julie P is Coral and Teal. Great colors for any season! Or theme. I went with florals.

I had a time picking the right shades, but went with Copics for coloring because they were labeled coral and teal. After finishing the beautiful bouquet of wildflowers (The Greetery) I glued three die cuts together for dimension and added strength. 

I thought it needed a bit more so I added  DOX Tea Ink sponged with a mask to make the circle on the white panel. In real life it is a pale kraft color, but in the photo it shows up as a pale coral because of the warm tones. To the inner flower I added WInk of Stella for shine. 

I'm sending you happy thoughts and good springy vibes today. Thanks so much for visiting! 

 Be yourself

          Have delight in your craft 

               Make something beautiful!  


Julie B said...

Such a pretty posy Cindy and the inked circle really sets it off so well. :)

cm said...

Lovely bouquet; a perfect choice of flowers to make coral and teal shine!

Marcia Hill said...

Your bouquet is just perfect in the challenge colors Cindy and I really love the sponged tea dye circle behind the bouquet that has a bit of coral glow to made magic happen Cindy! Lovely, lovely card my friend!! Hugs. :0)

wienerhoneymooners said...

Gorgeous -gorgeous- ALL the design teams are cards are so inspiring!!
I played along too -Thanks for sharing your creativity!!
-Kimberly W

Nancy said...

I think this is so pretty, Cindy! The added circle background was such a smart move as it certainly brings the entire design together beautifully. Well done! Have a great day!

Leslie Miller said...

Oooh, I love each of these colors, but combined they're even better! Your bouquet is beautiful and set off nicely by the sponged circle and layered mats. The sentiment is pretty stamped in teal. Sending happy thoughts back to you, Cindy!

Karen said...

What a pretty bouquet, Cindy! I love the coloring and the sponged circle sets off the flowers perfectly. Love the cute little tag, too.

Stef Perry said...

This is such a beautiful bouquet that you've colored Cindy, and adding the inked circle behind it was a brilliant choice! That little tag really tickles me and I love the mat layers too! Beautifully done!

Lisa Elton said...

I like the way you've layered this Cindy! It's such a cheerful card!

Tracey McNeely said...

Cindy I hear you about the weather. Our spring is was too short if we even get one! Quite often it is winter to summer. My problem is our winters are way too long. Your card is so pretty, I love the flowers they are so beutiful.